Gift Giving

Your presence is what we wish for, but if you'd like to give us a gift, we're making gifts available in Brazilian reais, Euros, and US Dollars. Below we are displaying a mix of household items, wedding day things, and honeymoon wishes - we're going to Costa Rica! Pick the item/experience you'd like to gift us and scan the QR code or click on the link of your preferred currency. The QR code/link will prompt you to transfer the amount via Wise or your bank. If you're choosing Brazilian Reais, you'll need to scan the QR code using the PIX section of your bank app. 

Aperitivo during the Sunset in Costa Rica

Airport Coffee and Sweet 

Surf Class in Costa Rica

Breakfast in Costa Rica

A bed for Josefa 

Horseback riding in Costa Rica

Brazilian and German Candy for Wedding

Romantic Dinner in Costa Rica

Tirolesa Adventure in Costa Rica

Donuts for the Wedding

Night Animal Tour in Costa Rica 

A month of German Class for the Bride 

A month of Portuguese Class for the Groom 

Tour Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica

Hotel San Jose in Costa Rica

Dining Table 

Tour Monteverde in Costa Rica

Wedding Flowers

Snorkeling Costa Rica 

Car Rental Costa Rica 

Driving Classes for the Bride 

Rafting Costa Rica

Wedding Cake

500 EUR

535 USD

2900 BRL

Wedding Photographer

Flight to Costa Rica